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The Naked Brothers Band
Blog de cachi
Mostrando 6 a 15, de 53 entrada/s en total:
10 de Agosto, 2008    news songs of nbb

new song d NBB


nbb  tiene nueva cancion q se llama

face in the   hall  esta cancion esta en el album d MIRANDA COSGOVE

esta es la letra 

My love, we don't got each other
So I'd run for cover, run for cover
I feel better knowin' it's all over
And I'm free to be who I wanna be
You make somethin' just turn into nothin'
That's what you do, what you always do
Just blendin' in, I know it's a sin
But I'm forgettin' you, forgetting you

You used to... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por cachi a las 21:53 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
19 de Junio, 2008    gira nbb

Pelicula polar bears y la gira NBB

peli polar bears esta super weno super es poco esta muy padre y ya esta d venta x la foto  d arriba es d la peli wow q beso nat y allie besndose hay q dsepcion pro esta super xida la peli

la gira nbb wow ya empezo empeso con el lanzamiento d la peli la gira empieza dsd new york a toda latinoamerica haci q los esperamos aqui en mexico



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publicado por cachi a las 22:48 · 4 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    General





             peli polar bears puse +++++++ info en la entrada de  la nueva peli de NAKED BROTHRES BAND OKISSSS

aqui fotos de su presentacion en Wall-Mart

pronto le ire agregando +++++++++... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:37 · 2 Comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Nat Wolff)

Eight hours in JFK

Four hours on the plane

Twelve hours with David Julian Levi

Woke up to waterslides

Woke up to giant pool

Woke up to nachos in the morning

Played lots of basketball

Even though we’re not that tall

We beat them 20 points to two

Great, great, great, great

Great, great, great, great trip

Great, great, great, great

Great, great, great, great trip

Love is in the air

Gel is in their hair

Shades strapped around their temples

Faced all the... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:36 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Nat Wolff)

Everybody's cried at least once

Everybody's laughed at least twice

And over and over again

Everybody's cried at least once

Everybody's laughed at least twice

And over and over again

I don't want you to get involved


But I want you to join me in my quest


Conflict with my life

Is the beginning

Conflict with my life

Is the beginning

Conflict with my life

Is the beginning

Everybody's cried at least once

Everybody's laughed at least twice

And... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:35 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Alex Wolff)

One is OK

Two is fine

Three is enough

(repeat 4x)

I'm sorry for all of you people out there

That aren't as happy as me

Maybe tomorrow you will

Maybe suddenly see

One is OK

Two is fine

Three is enough

One is OK

Two is fine

Three is enough

I saw you sitting in the rain

I wonder what I’d do without you

And I just have the urge to kiss you

When I know it's too late

Three is enough

Three is enough

Three is enough

Three is enough

Maybe tomorrow you... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:34 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Nat Wolff)

If you can make it through the rain

You can make it through the sun

So hold on

We'll see what happens to you and me

We'll see what happens to you and me

There will be some tough times

And some rain

And some bleeding

There will be some pain

I will admit

There will be some agony

If you can make it through the rain

You can make it through the sun

So hold on

We'll see what happens to you and... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:32 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Nat Wolff)

I know this feeling's true

That I'm in love with you

I know you think I'm wrong

But I wrote you this song

Sorry about last time

He might have hurt your feelings

But I have feelings too

And they're for you

They're for you

No more R.C.M.J.N.B.N.O.E

The space is reserved for you and me

Do I need some proof

Some more proof of my love?

What I see in you

Is maybe what I'm going through

Sorry about last time

He might have hurt your feelings

But I have feelings too

And... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:31 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Alex Wolff)

Every time I have a thought, a memory

Of all the bad things that you did to me

Everybody talks

Everyone was shocked

It nearly broke my heart when I heard

And it was all wrong, it was all wrong

Why did you do it?

Why did you say it all again?

Why did you do it?

Why did you say it

All along?

Why did you do it?

Why did you say it?

I want to know

Why did you do it?

Why did you do it?

Why did you do it

And say it all again?

Why did you do... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves
publicado por cachi a las 23:29 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Mayo, 2008    letras de las canciones de nbb

canciones de nbb

(Nat Wolff)

And in this body that I occupy

I’ve asked you questions that can make you cry

Until you come back and apologize

It’s very sinister, this land of mine

In this body I occupy

In this body I occupy

In this body I occupy

In this body I occupy

The tension’s on and I’m trying to say goodbye

And what you told me I will amplify

It doesn’t matter that you obviously lied

You only took me to diversify

In this body I occupy

In this body I occupy

In this body I occupy

In... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por cachi a las 23:28 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar


soy fan de Nat y de su banda Naked Brothers Band

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